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Peer connection

Minus18: LGBTQIA+ Youth Events

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About this service

Minus18 is improving the lives of LGBTQIA+ young people around Australia.

Our preventive model of mental health support creates creating spaces where LGBTQIA+ youth belong: free in-person and digital events for queer young people aged 12 to 19 to make friends, connect, and celebrate.

This service may help:

  • We tackle social isolation with community connection, fun, and friends
  • Calendar of exciting dance parties as well as low-sensory events
  • Youth workers in attendance at every event

Service for

LGBTQIA+SB communities
LGBTQIA+SB communities



Age group

12 to 15 years, 18 to 25 years


Specific hours


Calendar of events – generally at least one a month

