Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)
If you need mental health support in your language, contact Medicare Mental Health through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National). TIS National covers more than 100 languages and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the cost of a local call:
Ask the interpreter to call Head to Health (transitioning to Medicare Mental Health) on 1800 595 212.
You may need to wait on the line for the interpreter, or the operator may need to call you back when an interpreter is available.
When you are speaking with the interpreter, they will call Head to Health (transitioning to Medicare Mental Health) for you and interpret your conversation.
Comfort and support from those who can empathise, facilitated by a Griefline counsellor. Integrating psychoeducation, evidence-based interventions and the personal experiences of the group to normalise grief, navigate emotional distress, reduce isolation and foster resilience.
This service may help:
Support health and wellbeing after loss
Create a safe space to connect to people with shared experiences
Learn ways to cope and move through grief after loss
Age group
18 years and over18 years and over
Choose from Tuesday or Thursday: 6pm-8pm (AEST) for online sessions via Zoom
6 weeks
Supported by a trained provider
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